We stock an impressive array of arts and crafts in our shop.
Artists and Crafters
Ada Daly
Alan Stark - Born in Glasgow and brought up in a family with strong seafaring connections. This together with offshore sailing has given him a lifelong fascination with the sea, ships and islands. Recent work includes seascapes and landscapes that he hopes you will enjoy.
Alison Logan
Anne Clark - Anne never goes anywhere without her camera and loves capturing shots of Luing whenever she comes up from Essex to stay with her sister, usually at least twice a year for a few months at a time. She likes to take impromptu photos and makes photo coasters, books, insulated mugs and cushion covers from them.
Deak Scott - An ex game keeper, passionate naturalist and keen forager. All of his work is made using only natural materials foraged from the mountains and forrests of Argyll. Antler, wood, stone, leather and bone. Inspired by the primitive neolithic jewellerry worn by the ancient celts who inhabited the area.
Denise Whyatt
Dirk Campbell
Dugald MacInnes - Working principally with Scottish slate to produce mosaic artwork that reflects his passion for geology and archaeology. In the past three years he has exhibited in his native Scotland and also in England, France, Italy, Japan,Greece, Germany, Serbia, Austria, and the USA.
Forge of Nature- A Scottish blacksmithing couple using a range of forging, wood turning and crafting skills to create unique gifts, homeware and commission design. Using the land and materials around them, keen adventurers, gaining their inspiration from land and sea.
Ingun Bundtland
Jakki Carter Brown
Julia Shuff
Kay Benn
Lasta King
Lauren Leggett - Lauren comes from Luing. Her passion is photography and she loves capturing some of the beautiful scenery on camera.
She uses recycled card to display her photograph cards. Along with photography she also sews.
She is currently developing her use of pyrography and lino cut and hopes to have some items for sale at the centre soon.
She hopes you enjoy her photos and crafts as much as she enjoys making them.
Linda McGregor
Mary Whitmore - Mary lives on Luing and loves to knit and crochet. She was taught by her Granny who made her beautiful crochet silky tops when she was a teenager, blankets to take to college and many other items. She prefers to use 100% wool or cotton and likes to make practical items that really work as well as intricate items from time to time.
Morag Lloyds- A Scottish artist, working as a full time painter and designer. Published author and artist with Tartan 2cv and Natural Partners Art who publish worldwide. Inspired by her love of Argyll and the sea, sailing around the west coast, islands and is now developing a new range of home and giftwear from her designs.
Sarah Ferguson
Thomas Waterhouse - Thomas lives in Balvicar on Isle of Seil and makes doorstops. They are made of stone from Kilmartin raised beach quarry and hand spliced with manila rope. Due to the natural raw material, they are all unique.
Tina Avery - A silversmith with a background in architecture. Spending a lot of time on Luing, exploring places on foot, by bicycle and by boat, she finds these stones in a small bay on the east coast of the island and loved the shapes & patterns, so she made them in to pieces to wear. She has also been making silver chains with a silver shell pendant, and some enamel roundels to hang on the tree.